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The remains of Vito settlement 


A few kilometres north of the lookout of the Peak of Đukić, where you are, in the village of Brezovice, there is a significant archaeological site Vito. These are the remains of a once well-fortified settlement from the early Iron Age, which are rarely found in Serbia. It is more than 3000 years old. The ramparts of the former settlement have an irregular elongated shape surrounding an area of about 0.7 hectares. The basis of the strong wall on one side, was made of the natural limestone rock using the stone drywall technique without the use of binders. It has been preserved for up to 2 meters in height, and its width is from 2.5 to 3 m. The outer face of the ramparts was made by skillfully fitting larger pieces of nearby stone. The best-preserved walls are on the north and east side of the fortress, while the southwest side is the least preserved.


The Vito hill on which the site is located was probably named after the "winch", a mill point with wooden blades that are hit by water and run. The word "vitao" is also used by the people. Below the hill Vita, a small river flows towards Tubravić. There used to be several mills on the river in use, and now there is one.

Gradina Vito


Nekoliko kilometara severno od vidikovca na Đukića visu gde se nalazite, u selu Brezovice postoji značajan arheološki lokalitet Vito. To su ostaci nekada dobro utvrđenog naselja iz starijeg gvozdenog doba, kakvi se retko sreću na prostoru Srbije. Star je više od 3000 godina. Bedem nekadašnjeg grada ima nepravilnu izduženu formu oko prostora ukupne površine oko 0,7 hektara.  Za osnovu snažnog bedema sa jedne strane uvek je korišćena prirodna krečnjačka stena i rađen je tehnikom suhozida bez korišćenja vezivnih materijala. Očuvan je negde i do 2 metra visine, a njegova širina iznosi od 2,5 do 3 m. Spoljno lice bedema rađeno je veštim uklapanjem krupnijih komada obližnjeg kamena. Najbolje su očuvani bedemi sa severne i istočne strane tvrđave, dok je jugozapadna strana danas najmanje uočljiva na terenu.


Uzvišenje Vito na kom se nalazi lokalitet je dobilo naziv najverovatnije po ”vitlu”, vodeničnom točku sa drvenim lopaticama na koje udara voda i pokreće ga. Upotrebljava se u narodu i reč ”vitao”. Ispod brda Vita teče rečica prema Tubraviću. Na reci je nekada bilo nekoliko vodenica u upotrebi, a sada ima jedna.

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