Mushrooms of Povlen
Mountain Povlen with different types of forests is an ideal habitat for a large number of mushrooms. Oak forests hide Black and White Truffles, penny buns, chanterelles, russulas and the healing milk-caps, (which our ancestors used dried as a substitute for salt), reishi mushrooms (used for cancer prevention), caesar's mushrooms, as perhaps the most delicious one, but also very poisonous death caps and jack-o'-lanterns. Chicken-of-the-woods and shield pinkgills start growing in orchards in April. A very tasty St. George's mushrooms can be found on the neglected meadows and shaggy manes around the stables and pens. In rare coniferous forests red pine mushrooms, russulas, delicious blushers, weeping boletes, but also posionous panther caps and sickeners can be found. On the edges of the peaks of Povlen, where there are birch and ash woods a with very tasty orange oak boletes and birch boletes are common. Also, the poisonous and dangerous fly agaric is waiting for the ignorant pickers.
Oyster mushrooms, as the most healing among the known mushrooms, grow in the beech forests as well as weeping milk caps (which can be eaten raw), penny buns, chanterelles and rusullas. Beginners should be aware of the poisonous Satan's boletes that can also be found in this area. Fairy ring mushrooms, parasol mushrooms, puffballs with which you can heal wounds or eat them and field mushrooms grow on the pastures. Poisonous yellow-stainers and stinking dapperlings grow in the vicinity and one needs to be able to recognize them. It is important to pick mushrooms only if you are a connoisseur, because some are very dangerous. Here, theory is best practice. Do not destroy mushrooms, even if they are poisonous, and preserve their habitats, because each of them has an important place in the biological life cycle.
Gljive Povlena
Povlen sa različitim tipovima šuma je idealno stanište za veliki broj gljiva. Hrastove šume sakrivaju Crni i beli Tartuf, Vrganj, Lisičarku, Zeke i lekovitu Mlečicu koju su naši preci sušenu koristili kao zamenu za so, Hrastovu sjajnicu kao prevenciju za karcinom i možda najukusniju Kneginju ali i jako otrovne Zelene pupavke i Zavodnicu. U voćnjacima rastu Šumsko pile, Voćarke ili Šljivovače već od aprila. Na zapuštenim livadama može se naći jako ukusna Đurđevača a oko staja i torova Đubretarka. U retkim četinarima su Borove brusnice,
Zeke, ukusna Biserka i Ovčarka, ali i otrovne Panterovka i Bljuvara. Na obodima vrhova Povlena su breze i jaseni sa jako ukusnim Turčinima ili Dedovima, a za neuke berače je opasna otrovna Muhara. U bukovoj šumi rastu Bukovače, kao najlekovitije poznate gljive, Bezlebara koja može da se jede i sirova, Vrganji, Lisičarke i Zeke. Početnike vreba otrovna Ludara. Na pašnjacima rastu Vilin klinčić, Sunčanica, Puhara kojima možete lečiti rane i jesti ih, kao i Livadski šampinjoni. Pored njih rastu otrovni šampinjoni i Haringače koje treba prepoznavati. Važno je da berete gljive samo ukoliko ste poznavalac, jer neke su jako opasne. Ovde je teorija najbolja praksa. Ne uništavajte gljive makar bile otrovne i čuvajte staništa, jer svaka od njih ima važno mesto u lancu ukupnog života.