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Wild Garlic of Povlen


Sremuš (wild garlic – lat. Allium ursinum) is a wild perennial herbaceous plant that usually lives in deciduous beech forests, and its vegetation ends at a time when the trees are leafy and shade the surface. It forms bulbs in the ground, from which green flat leaves, 15 to 20 cm long and 6 to 7 cm wide in the middle, sprout every spring as soon as the snow melts. It is known by various names such as ramsons, wild cowleek, buckrams, broad-leaved garlic, wood garlic, bear leek or bear's garlic... Only when it is harvested and smelled, the sharp smell of garlic is felt. It also tastes very similar to garlic In early spring, when it leaves, it represents a real green meadow in the middle of the forest. After the leaves erupt, flowering trees soon emerge, on the tops of which an inflorescence with 15 to 20 white flowers is formed. The leaves are rich in vitamin C (about 40 mg%), carotene, and minerals (magnesium), essential oils, similar to those from garlic, proteins, fats and allicin, as the main ingredient.


Medicinal parts of the plant are young spring leaves that are harvested in April and May, and bulbs that are collected in the summer and autumn months. Medicinal preparations are made only from fresh herbs. You should know that drying and cooking lose the healing properties of the plant. Young, fresh leaves, rarely bulbs, are used for food. When picking in the forest, one should be very careful, because there are poisonous plants of a similar leaf in the forest flora, ie. lily of the valley and autumn crocus. You should always smell the leaf, that is, only the one that smells of garlic is wild garlic.

Povlenski sremuš


Sremuš je samonikla višegodišnja zeljasta biljka koja obično živi u listopadnim bukovim šumama, a svoju vegetaciju završava u vreme kada drveće olista i zaseni površinu. U zemlji formira lukovice iz kojih svakog proleća čim sneg okopni, izbijaju zeleni pljosnati listovi, dužine od 15 do 20 cm, širine na sredini 6 do 7 cm. Poznat je pod različitim imenima poput cremuša, sremuša, medveđeg luka, divljeg luka, šumskog luka... Tek kada se ubere i pomiriše, oseti se oštar miris belog luka. I po ukusu je veoma sličan belom luku. U rano proleće, kada olista, predstavlja pravu zelenu livadu usled šumske. Po izbijanju listova, ubrzo izbijaju i cvetonosna stabla na čijim se vrhovima formira cvast sa 15 do 20 belih cvetova. Lišće je bogato vitaminom C (oko 40 mg%), karotinom, te mineralima (magnezijumom), eteričnim uljima, sličnim onima iz belog luka, belančevinama, mastima i alicinom, kao glavnim sastojkom.

Lekoviti delovi biljke su mladi prolećni listovi koji se beru u aprilu i maju, i lukovice koje se skupljaju u letnjim i jesenjim mesecima. Lekoviti preparati se prave samo od sveže biljke. Treba znati da se sušenjem i kuvanjem igube lekovita svojstva biljke. Za ishranu se koriste mladi, sveži listovi, ređe lukovice. Prilikom branja u šumi treba biti veoma obazriv, jer u šumskoj flori postoje otrovne biljke sličnog lista, tj. đurđevak i mrazovac. Uvek treba pomirisati list, odnosno samo onaj koji miriše na beli luk je sremuš. 

Terapeutsko delovanje sremuša slično je delovanju belog luka. Travari kažu da sremuš leči kašalj, štiti i jača srce, otklanja nesanicu i nesvesticu, leči krvne sudove i smanjuje visok krvni pritisak. Poboljšava apetit, otklanja probavne smetnje, stimuliše rad želuca i creva, bolje izlučivanje žuči, podstiče rad bubrega, smiruje upale mokraćnog mehura, sprečava osteoporozu i smanjuje bolove od artritisa i reume, a u kupkama smiruje nadraženu kožu. Uspešno se primenjuje kod hematoma i otvorenih rana koje teško zarastaju, kao i pri lečenju gripa i temperature.

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