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The Tales of Taor


Visit the Taor springs, which are an unusual encounter of natural phenomena and traces of our past. One of the most attractive destinations in Serbia in the 20th century has preserved its charm and unusual fairy tale about the time when Taor was defended by the imperial armies from a nearby Roman fortress. Also, the remains of an old Roman church were found near the village of Taor. This is the fourth such church discovered in the Valjevo area in the last few years. In the village of Brangović on the river Gradac, there are the remains of a similar fortification, called Jerinin Grad (Jerina’s Town). The remains of the church are quite similar to those discovered in Taor. With another fortification in the village of Ćelije, archaeologists theorize that all these buildings were connected in a wider, but specific complex. The findings point to the idea that every village, even the undeveloped one, had its own churches during the time of the early "Byzantium", more precisely the late Roman Empire.

In the wider vicinity of Povlen there are numerous traces of ancient mining activities. The ore has been exploited in these parts since prehistoric times, mostly copper and iron ore. Even today, traces of mining shafts, remains of mining settlements, parts of cut roads through mountain gorges, riverbeds – especially the river Skrapež - can be found sporadically. There are military fortifications that provided trade, safe flow of goods and ore in caravans from the sea to the squares in the interior of Serbia and the capitals of Rome and Sirmium.

Taorske priče


Posetite Taorska vrela, koja su neobičan susret prirodnih fenomena i tragova naše prošlosti. Jedna od najatraktivnijiha destinacija Srbije 20 veka sačuvala je svoj šarm i neobičnu bajku o vremenu kada je Taor branjen carskim vojskama iz obližnjeg romejskog utvrđenja. Takođe, u okolini sela Taor nađeni su ostaci stare romejske crkve. Ovo je četvrta takva crkva otkrivena na valjevskom području u poslednjih nekoliko godina. U selu Brangoviću na reci Gradac, nalaze se ostaci sličnog utvrđenja, nazvanog Jerinin Grad. Ostaci crkve prilično su sličnima onima otkrivenim u Taoru. Sa još jednim utvrđenjem u selu Ćelije arheolozi teoretišu da su sve ove građevine bili povezane u širem, ali specifičnom kompleksu. Pronalasci upućuju na ideju da je svako selo, pa i ono neizgrađeno, imalo svoje crkve u vreme ranog ”Vizanta”, tačnije poznog Romejskog carstva.

U široj okolini Povlena nalaze se brojni tragovi drevnih rudarskih aktivnosti. Ruda je eksploatisana u ovim krajevima još od praistorije, i to najviše rude bakra i gvožđa. I danas se sporadično mogu naći tragovi rudarskih okna, ostaci rudarskih naselja, delovi usečenih puteva kroz planinske klance, rečnih korita - naročito Skrapeža. Tu su vojna utvrđenja koja su obezbeđivala trgovinu, siguran protok robe i rude  karavanima od mora do trgova u unutrašnjosti Srbije i prestonica Rima i Sirmijuma. 

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