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Waiting for the rains


The people of Povlen used to predict the weather forecasts based on changes in plants, animal behaviour, human experiences, changes in nature. Here is how rain has been expected on Povlen since ancient times. It will rain when:


When the leaves of linden, acacia, beech, or raspberry face the sky with their back sides. When the beech tree is wet some 10 centimetres from the ground in the evening. When the sun is setting with more colours. If the dawn is red – it will rain. When the north, west and south winds blow. When the evening is warmer than usual. When the smoke coming from the chimney falls. If the smoked bacon rind softens. If the milk foams too much while milking a cow or sheep. If there is a lot of dew on the grass during day or two. When a mist rises from the dense forest. When the spring water is warmer than usual. When you are sleepy. When rheumatic pains intensify. When male roe deer and foxes are screaming in the forest. If small flies attack the eyes, and flies and horse flies bite people and cattle.

Čekajući kiše


Ljudi Povlena su nekad vreme prognozirali na osnovu promena na biljkama, ponašanju životinja, doživljaja kod ljudi, promena u prirodi. Evo kako se od davnina očekivala kiša na Povlenu. Biće kiše kada:


Kad listovi lipe, bagrema, bukve ili maline okrenu naličje nebu. Kad je predveče stablo bukve 10 santimetara od zemlje mokro. Kad je sunce u zalasku sa više boja. Ako je crvena zora - mokra gora. Kad duva severni, zapadni i južni vetar. Kad je uveče toplije nego obično. Kad dim iz odžaka ide naniže. Ako kožura slanine omekša. Ako mleko suviše peni dok se muze krava ili ovca. Ako je velika rosa po travi u toku dan dva. Kad se iz guste šume diže uzmaglica uvis. Kad je toplija izvorska voda nego obično. Kad vas hvata dremež. Pojačaju reumatski bolovi. Srndać i lijać se deru u šumi. Ako sitne muve napadaju oči, a muve i obadi ujedaju ljude i goveda.

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