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Noah’s Ark


According to the Book, Noah's ark was built at God's command so that Noah would save himself and his family, as well as all species of animals from the Flood. The ark, as the forerunner of the church, which is its symbol today, offers salvation to humanity.


Only after three months of flooding did the surface of the mountain heights appear. After 40 days, Noah three times released the pigeon to investigate the situation with the flood. The pigeon finally brought an olive branch, which was a sign to Noah that he could go out with people and animals. This happened in the 601st year of Noah's life, on the day of the new year, and on the 27th day of the second month. After that, the water level began to fall sharply, and already on the 18th day of the seventh month, the Ark (boat) stopped on the slopes of the mythical mountain. Noah went out with his family and offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving. As a sign of a covenant between God and the earth, that such a calamity would never happen again, God gave a rainbow in heaven (Genesis 6: 8).

Nojeva barka


Po Knjigama, Nojeva (b)arka je sagrađena na Božju zapovest da bi Noje spasao sebe i svoju porodicu kao i sve vrste životinje od Potopa. Arka kao prethodnica crkve koja je danas njen simbol, nudi spas čovečanstvu. 


Tek posle tri meseca potopa pojavila se površina planinskih visova.  Nakon 40 dana Noje je tri puta pustio goluba da sazna u kojem je stanju voda, a koji je najzad doneo maslinovu grančicu, što je Noju bio znak da može izaći sa ljudima i životinjama. To se dogodilo 601. godine Nojevog života, na dan nove godine, a u 27. dan drugoga meseca. Posle toga voda je počela naglo opadati, i već u 18. dan sedmog meseca Kovčeg (barka) se zaustavio na obroncima mitske planine. Noje je izašao sa svojom porodicom i prineo žrtvu blagodarnosti. U znak zaveta između Boga i zemlje, da se nikada više ovakva nesreća neće ponoviti, Bog je dao na nebu dugu (Postanje 6,8) 

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