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The Beden (Rampart) Peak


The ramparts were used to connect the towers and gates into a closed whole, which protected the buildings and people inside the fortifications from outside attackers. They were practically impenetrable, which is why the attackers usually turned to trying to conquer the gates. That is how this peak guarded Povlen. The most beautiful part of Beden are the fields of daffodils that bloom from April to July.

Vrh Beden


Bedemi (Bedeni) su korišćeni da bi povezali kule i kapije u zatvorenu celinu, a koja je štitila zgrade i ljude u unutrašnjosti utvrđenja od spoljašnjih napadača. Bili su praktično neprobojni zbog čega su se napadači najčešće okretali pokušajima da osvoje kapije. Tako je i ovaj vrh čuvao Povlen. Najlepši deo Bedena su polja narcisa koji cvetaju od aprila do jula.

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