The River Cetinja Spring
Cetinja is a river that springs below Srednji or Delićki Povlen, where the families Sekulić from the hamlet of Delići of the village of Makovište, have their huts. The river was named after the capital of Montenegro (Cetinje), which was established by immigrants from the Zlatibor region, where they also built the famous Vlach church. It is assumed that the Delić families returned from Montenegro in their constant migrations, fleeing the wars and poverty, and that they named the strong, cold spring below Povlen Cetinje, in order to remember the city of Cetinje. Or the city was named after the river Cetinje, even while this area was called Montenegro ... Anyway, those who call it Cetina are wrong, because nowhere has it been so recorded throughout history. The river flows from the source along the Povlen slopes and meets Rekavica, and this one then meets the Polička river. It is not as rich in water as it is rich in its beautiful watercourses. The rivers Trešnjica, Sušica, Gradac, Rogačica and Skrapež also spring on Povlen.
Izvor reke Cetinje
Cetinja je reka koja izvire ispod Srednjeg, Delićkog Povlena, gde Sekulići iz zaseoka Delići, selo Makovište, imaju svoje kolibe. Reka je ime dobila po prestonici Crne Gore koju su uspostavili doseljenici iz zlatiborskog kraja, gde su podigli i čuvenu Vlašku crkvu. Predpostavlja se da su tako i porodice Delića u svojim stalnim migracijama, sklanjajući se od ratova i siromaštva vratila iz Crne Gore i da su jakom, hladnom izvoru ispod Povlena dali naziv Cetinja, da bi se sećali grada Cetinja. Ili je grad dobio ime po reci Cetinji, još dok se ovaj predeo nazvao Crna Gora... Svejedno, greše oni koji je nazivaju Cetina, jer nigde nije tako zabeležena kroz istoriju. Reka od izvora teče povlenskom padinom i sastaje se sa Rekavicom, a ova sa Poličkom rekom. Nije tako bogata vodom kao što je bogata svojim lepim vodotokovima. Na Povlenu izviru još reke Trešnjica, Sušica, Gradac, Rogačica i Skrapež.