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Povlen Trails

Welcome to Povlen! Enjoy unforgettable landscapes, gentle peaks, fresh and fragrant winds, birdsong, clear springs, unusual traces of the Great Flood and mysteries!

In our mountain lodge "Povlenski kućerak" you can take a break, refresh yourself and learn a lot about Povlen. The accommodation capacity of the lodge is about 30 organized visitors. It is not constantly open, but it can be open by the lodge host upon the announcement of the groups, interested in walking and / or spending the night.

Povlenske staze


Dobrodošli na Povlen! Uživajte u nezaboravnim pejzažima, pitomim vrhovima, svežim i mirisnim vetrovima, pesmi ptica, bistrim izvorima, nesvakidašnjim tragovima Velikog potopa i misterijama! 

U našem planinarskom domu ”Povlenski kućerak” možete predahnuti, okrepiti se i saznati mnogo o Povlenu. Dom ima kapacitet da ugosti oko 30 organizovanih posetilaca. Nije stalno otvoren, već domaćin otvara po najavi grupa, koje planiraju pešačenje i(li) noćenje. 


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