The Peak Mali Povlen
The peak of Mali Povlen (Little Povlen - 1347 m) on which you are located is the highest peak on Povlen. It is somewhat asymmetrical; the southwest side is steeper than the northeast. It is certainly a consequence of the incision of a deep, gorge-like valley, but also of the faults along the south-western side. The ridge of Mali Povlen itself is relatively narrow, but it does not represent a distinctly rocky mountain range but consists of mild hummocks between which several shallow sinkholes have been cut. There is no lake water or traces of peat bogs anywhere on their bottom. In many places along Mali Povlen, stone fences can be seen, stacked in the shape of a horseshoe. It is not clear what it represents - the remains of former pens or artillery nests or something else. Many piles of uprighted stones were created by the peasants while clearing the terrain for mowing or grazing cattle.
In addition to Mali Povlen, there are other peaks on the mountain that you can find on the map or on the horizon, although not all are included in the marked trails: Srednji Povlen (1301 m), Veliki Povlen (1271 m), Kukalj (1170 m), Goveđa glava (1148 m). ), Đukića vis (1122 m), Čiker (1113 m), Kota 1068 (1068 m), Kota 1080 (1080 m), Crni ostenjak (1010 m), Taorska stena (1021 m), Gredina (895 m), Beden (1256 m), Kicher (1110 m), Reselj (1094 m) and Oab (1070 m).
The range that makes up the mountains Povlen, Maljen and Suvobor in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Ottoman Empire also had the common name "Karadag", which translated from Turkish means black mountain (Montenegro). Today, this name remains for the hilly mountainous area, the micro-region around the Skrapež river basin, with its centre in Kosjerić - between the mentioned mountains and the river of Zapadna Morava. The northern and southern foothills of Povlen differ significantly in their nature. The southern foothills are composed mostly of waterproof rocks, which have conditioned the appearance of springs, the creation of a network of watercourses, dense forests, and land suitable for growing crops. The northern foothills are largely built of limestone, so they are waterless, divided into surface and underground karst forms, less fertile and less populated.
Vrh Mali Povlen
Vrh Malog Povlen (1347 m) na kom se nalazite je najviši vrh na Povlenu. Donekle je asimetričan, jugozapadna strana mu je strmija od severoistočne. Svakako je to posledica usecanja duboke, klisuraste doline ali i rasedanja duž jugozapadne strane. Sam greben Malog Povlena je relativno uzak, ali ne predstavlja izrazito kameniti venac, već se sastoji od blagih humova između kojih je usečeno nekoliko plitkih vrtača. Na njihovom dnu nigde nema ujezerene vode, niti tragova tresava. Na mnogo mesta po Malom Povlenu uočavaju se ograde od kamenja, naslaganog u obliku potkovice. Nije jasno šta ono predstavlja - ostatke nekadašnjih torova ili artiljerijska gnezda ili nešto treće. Mnoge gomile usturenog kamenja su seljaci stvarali prilikom raščišćavanja terena za kosidbu ili ispašu stoke.
Pored Malog Povlena na planini se ističe još vrhova koje možete pronaći na mapi ili na horizontu, iako nisu svi obuhvaćeni označenim stazama: Srednji Povlen (1301 m), Veliki Povlen (1271 m), Kukalj (1170 m), Goveđa glava (1148 m), Đukića vis (1122 m), Čiker (1113 m), Kota 1068 (1068 m), Kota 1080 (1080 m), Crni ostenjak (1010 m), Taorska stena (1021 m), Gredina (895 m), Beden (1256 m), Kičer (1110 m), Reselj (1094 m) i Oab (1070 m) .
Venac koji čine planine Povlen, Maljen i Suvobor u 17. i 18. veku za vreme osmanlijskog carstva imao je i zajedničko ime ”Karadag”, što u prevodu s turskog jezika znači Crna gora. Danas je naziv Crna Gora ostao za brdsko planinsko područje, mikroregiju oko porečja reke Skrapež, sa sedištem u Kosjeriću - između navedenih planina i Zapadne Morave. Severna i južna podgorina Povlena bitno se razlikuju po svojoj prirodi. Južna podgorina je sastavljena mahom od vodonepropusnih stena, koje su uslovila pojavu izvora, stvaranje mreže vodotoka, gustih šuma i zemljišta pogodnog za gajenje biljnih kultura. Severna podgorina je velikim delom izgrađena od vapnenaca, pa je bezvodna, raščlanjena površinskim i podzemnim krškim oblicima, manje plodna i ređe naseljena.