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Taor Rock and Taor Springs

Taor Rock (1021 m) dominates the village of Donji Taor. On the plateau of the rock is Crkvište (location of the church) and it is believed that there was a building here from time immemorial. It is believed that once a huge amount of water fell over the cliffs of a high rock, on which in ancient times there was a city wall. The log cabin church was transferred from there to the village of Seča Reka a long time ago. Near the church was a well into which, the story goes that church bells were thrown and buried. At the place where the church used to be, there are now only a few foundation stones and a whitefish monument.

On the "fairy road", between this village and Gornji Taor, the famous Taor Springs are hidden in waterfalls and cascades, which are best to be visited in the gorgeous spring when there is the most water. There used to be 11 mills here. The springs were the biggest attraction of this part of Serbia. It was considered that they could compete with the famous Plitvice Lakes in terms of beauty. It is rich in numerous springs, after which they got their name.

Taorske stene i vrela


Taorska stena (1021 m) dominira nad selom Donji Taor. Na platou stene je Crkvište i smatra se da je ovde bila građevina iz nezapamćenih vremena. Smatra se da se nekada ogromna količina vode obrušavala preko litica visoke stene, na kojoj se u davnim vremenima nalazio bedem grada. Crkva brvnara je davno odatle prenesena u Seču Reku. Blizu crkve je bio bunar u koji su, kažu, bačena i zatrpana crkvena zvona. Na mestu gde je bila crkva sada ima samo poneki kamen od temelja i spomenik od sige. 

Na “vilinskom putu”, između ovog sela i Gornjeg Taora, skrivena su u slapovima i kaskadama čuvena Taorska vrela, koja je najbolje posetiti raskošna u proleće kada ima najviše vode. Ovde se nekada nalazilo 11 vodenica. Vrela su bila najveća atrakcija ovog kraja Srbije, smatralo se da po lepoti mogu da se nadmeću i sa čuvenim Plitvičkim jezerima. Bogata je brojnim izvorištima, po kojima su i dobila ime.

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