The Town of Taor
In ancient times, an important road led along the river Skrapež towards Požega, ie the Roman municipality of Malvi. In Taor on a rocky hill called Kik there are the remains of a settlement and a stone bridge over the river. The villagers used to find bronze tools and old money there. The ancient Taurunum fortress on the mountain of the same name is mentioned in ancient records, but it is not known who gave it its name. The 15th century census mentions the Tahor iron ore mine. The locals believe that the name of the village originated from the word tor or taoriti. At the time of settlement, people caught cattle from the Drina and drove them into sinkholes that were surrounded by thorns. These were the first cattle pens, or “taori”
Taorski grad
U davno doba važan put je vodio niz reku Skrapež prema Požegi, odnosno rimskom municipiju Malvi. U Taoru na kamenitom bregu zvanom Kik postoje ostaci grada i kamenog mosta preko reke. Tu su nekada seljaci nalazili bronzana oruđa i stari novac Pominje se u antičkim zapisima utvrđenje Taurunum na istoimenoj planini ali se ne zna ko je kome dao ime. Na popisu iz 15. oveka pominje se rudnik gvozdene rude Tahor. Meštani veruju da je ime sela nastalo od reči tor ili taoriti. U doba naseljavanja ljudi su dogonili stoku sa Drine i zgonili ih u vrtače koje su ograđivali trnjem. To su bili prvi torovi, ili taori.