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The Griffon Volture

The griffon vulture inhabits the gorge of the Povlen river Trešnjica. It feeds exclusively on dead animals, which prevents the spread of infection. Their wingspan is up to 265 cm and they are the largest birds in Serbia. From the end of January to the beginning of April, the female lays only one egg. The cub cannot fly for the first three months and only after a year they become independent from their parents. Various legends and beliefs have been preserved in Serbia to this day, which add supernatural powers to the griffon vulture. It is a holy bird, a messenger who sees the future. No one is allowed to harm him, because otherwise he would "incur the wrath of the gods" on the family.

The vulture is a "just" predator that never kills its prey but comes when everything is over, and its depiction is often found next to the ancient Slavic god Veles, the protector of cattle breeders. There is a belief that a vulture lives for 500 years or more, and that is why there is a folk saying for someone to "live an eagle's century". It is certainly no coincidence that the figure of the griffon vulture was found on the coat of arms of the rulers from dynasties Nemanjić, Mrnjavčević, Lazarević and Crnojević. Due to its way of life, the griffon vulture represents a "messenger between humans and gods" who flies freely through all three worlds - gods, humans and the underworld.

Beloglavi sup


Beloglavi sup nastanjuje klisuru povlenske reke Trešnjice. Hrani  se isključivo uginulim životinjama, čime sprečava širenje zaraze. Raspon krila im je do 265cm i najveće su ptice u Srbiji. Ženka od kraja januara do početka aprila snosi samo jedno jaje. Mladunac prva tri meseca ne može da leti i tek posle godinu dana su samostalni. U Srbiji su se održale do današnjih dana razne legende i verovanja koja beloglavom supu pridodaju natprirodne moći. On je sveta ptica, glasnik koji vidi budućnost. Niko ne sme da mu naudi, jer bi se u suprotnom ”navukao gnev bogova” na porodicu. 

Sup je ”pravedan”, grabljivica koja nikad ne ubija svoj plen nego dolazi “po svoje”, a njegov prikaz se često nalazi uz staroslovenskog boga Velesa zaštitnika stočara. Postoji verovanje da sup živi 500 i više godina i zato je postoji narodna izreka za nekoga da “živeće orlova veka”. Svakako da se nije slučajno upravo lik beloglavog supa našao na grbu vladara Nemanjića, Mrnjavčevića, Lazarevića i Crnojevića. Beloglavi sup zbog svog načina života predstavlja ”glasnika između ljudi i bogova” koji slobodno leti kroz sva tri sveta - bogova, ljudi i podzemlja.

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