Prince's Field
The field used to be called Kolibište. Legend has it that fairies that raised Serbian heroes gathered on this vast meadow and the people then elected these heroes to be their princes at the assemblies. Secret meetings of insurgents against the enslavers have been organized for centuries around the springs in the shadows of the canopy. Povlen fairies still give birth to heroes today: The celebrated soldier Stojadin Mirković died heroically in 1991, together with Major Tepić, not wanting to hand over weapons to the Croatian paramilitary with which they would kill his comrades. The folk fair is held in front of the church after the Liturgy on August 15. Next to the Church, lodgings and bell towers, on Kneževo polje there is a wooden statue of a monk, a wooden Knjaz lookout point from which the Taor plain can be seen. There is also the source of the river Zabava, which forms the holy river Gradac, as well as the arranged Stojadin’s fountain at the fairy spring, with miraculous cold drinking water.
Kneževo polje
Polje se nekada zvalo Kolibište. Legenda kaže da su se na ovoj prostranoj livadi skupljale vile koje su odgajivale srpske junake - njih je na saborima narod birao sebi za kneževe. Oko izvora u senkama krošnji organizovali su se vekovima tajni sastanci ustanika protiv porobljivača. Povlenske vile još i danas rađa junake: Proslavljeni vojnik Stojadin Mirković poginuo je herojski 1991. zajedno sa majorem Tepićem ne želeći da prepusti hrvatskoj paravosci oružje kojim bi ubijali njegove saborce. Narodni sabor se održava ispred crkve posle Liturgije 15. avgusta. Pored Crkve, konaka i zvonika, na Kneževom polju se nalazi drvena statua monaha, drveni Knjazov vidikovac sa kojeg se vidi Taorska ravan. Tu je i izvor reke Zabave koja formira svetu reku Gradac, kao i uređena Stojadinova česma na vilinom izvoru, sa čudotvornom hladnom i pitkom vodom.