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The Wildlife of Povlen 


Povlen is very rich in animal species. Among amphibians and reptiles, there are the green frog, the yellow toad, the fire salamander, the grey lizard, the European green lizard, Aesculapian snake, grass snake, the horned viper and the blindworm - the only legless lizard that can be found in Serbia. In the rivers that spring on Povlen, you can find brown trout, gudgeon, European chub and especially in the Rečica river crayfish. The most common insects are ants, butterflies, bumblebees, bees, wasps, beetles, and annoying flies. There are no mosquitoes. The most beautiful are dragonflies, swallowtail and the rare butterfly Apollo. The Povlen bee, which has the status of the highest quality in the Balkans, is the subject of scientific research. It is most likely autochthonous or the Serbs brought it from Old Serbia (todays, North Macedonia). The most common rodents are rabbits, moles, mice and dormice, which are annoying the locals. Squirrels and hedgehogs are less common. A special decoration of Povlen are deer that have well-established trails and can be found throughout the year. Wild boars rarely go to Kneževo polje, and mostly live at the foot of Povlen. The most dangerous beast of this region is the wolf, always passing by and always cruel, especially in winter. Lately, wild dogs and jackals have also been harming cattle breeders. Foxes do less damage, and beasts from the mustelids family such as otters, weasels, skinks, badgers and martens are much rarer. Bears do not have a habitat in Povlen, but they often cross from Bosnia to the mountain of Tara

Divljač Povlena

Povlen je veoma bogat životinjskim vrstama. Od vodozemaca i gmizavaca tu su zelena žaba, žuta krastava žaba, šareni daždevnjak, sivi gušter, zelembać, smuk, belouška, poskok i slepić - jedini beznogi gušter koji se može naći u Srbiji. U rečicama koje nastaju na Povlenu mogu se naći potočna pastrmka, krkuša, klen i naročito u Rečici rečni rak. Od insekata najviše ima mrava, leptira, bumbara, pčela, osa, zolja, i dosadnih mušica. Komaraca nema. Najlepši su vilini konjici, leptiri lastin repak i voma redak leptir apolon. Povlenska pčela, koja ima status najkvalitetnije na Balkanu predmet je naučnih istraživanja. Najverovatnije je autohtona ili su je Srbi doneli iz Stare Srbije. Od glodara su najčešći zečevi, krtice, miševi i puhovi koji ne daju mira meštanima. Ređe se sreću veverice i ježevi. Poseban ukras Povlena su srne koj imaju uhodane staze i mogu se sresti preko cele godine. Divlje svinje retko izlaze na Kneževo polje, i uglavnom borave u podnožju Povlena. Najopasnija zver ovog kraja je vuk, uvek u prolazu i surov, naročit zimi. u poslednje vreme štetu stočarima prave i divlji psi i šakali. Lisice prave manje štete, a zveri iz porodice kuna kao vidre, lasice, tvorovi, jazavci i kune zlatice su mnogo ređe. Medvedi nemaju stanište na Povlenu, ali često prelaze od Bosne ka Tari.


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