The Peak of Veliki Povlen
There are three highest peaks that dominate the mountain: Veliki (Large), Srednji (Medium) and Mali (Little) Povlen. It is well known that the names of the peaks are inverted in relation to their heights. This absurdity probably originates from the time when the height could not be precisely determined and when Veliki Povlen, with his dominant appearance, instilled more respect than his "little" brother. The three peaks are arranged almost in a straight line from the northwest to the southeast. First Large, then Medium and finally Little, as it should be.
Vrh Veliki Povlen
Tri najviša vrha dominiraju planinom: Veliki, Srednji i Mali Povlen. Priča je dobro poznata da su nazivi vrhova obrnuto poređani u odnosu na njihove visine. Ovaj apsurd verovatno potiče iz vremena kada se visina nije mogla precizno odrediti i kada je Veliki Povlen svojom dominantnom pojavom ulivao više respekta od svog ”malog” brata. Tri vrha su poređani skoro na pravoj liniji od severozapada ka jugoistoku. Prvo Veliki, onda Srednji pa na kraju Mali, kako i dolikuje.