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Stone Spikes of Zarožje


Zarožje is a village on the southwest side of Povlen. There are three stories about how it got its name. People from Užice, used to say  how the inhabitants of Zarožje used to go  around with ragged  clothes (Serbian adjective zarozan – ragged). Men tied their pants low below the hips, and women tied socks below the knees. According to another story, which is considered true, the village got its name from two horn-shaped rocks. These horns (Serbian rogovi – rožje) in the people called Roge (Horns), in the past were a place where the young men of this area showed courage. Every spring, the bravest boy would climb the rocks of Roge and stab a spear (tree, pole, etc.) on top of it. It would remain on top as a sign of his feat until another hero appeared who would replace it with his own banner. The village of Zarožje is behind those two horns.  And after Roga, the river that flows between them is called Rogačica. Others who are know-it-alls say that this is not the real truth either, but that Saint Sava petrified a vampire to save the people and that only teeth were left to stick out of the grave as a warning to sinners. Who knows what is true.

Kameni šiljci Zarožja

Zarožje je selo na jugozapadnoj strani Povlena. Ima tri priče o tome kako je dobilo ime. Užičani su, kažu, pričali kako su meštani Zarožja nekada išli zarozani. Muškarci su vezivali pantalone nisko ispod kukova, a žene čarape ispod kolena. Po drugojoj priči, koja se smatra istinitom, selo je dobilo naziv po imenu dve stene u obliku rogova. Ti rogovi, odnosno rožje, u narodu zvane Roge, u prošlosti su bile mesto gde su mladići ovog kraja pokazivali hrabrost. Svakog proleća najhrabriji momak bi se peo na stenovite Roge i na njihov vrh zabadao koplje (drvo, motku i sl.) Ono bi ostajalo na vrhu kao znak njegovog podviga sve dok se ne bi pojavio drugi junak koji bi skidao simbol odvažnosti svog prethodnika i na njegovo mesto stavljao svoje znamenje. Iza te dve Roge nalazi se selo Zarožje. A po Rogama je i reka, koja teče između njih, nazvana Rogačica. Drugi koji se razumeju u sve kažu da ni to nije prava istina, već da je tu Sveti Sava skamenio vampira da spasi narod i da su tu samo zubi ostali da vire iz groba kao opomena grešnicima. Ko će ga znati.

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