Rivers of Povlen
Povlen is rich in water and its peaks represent a watershed. On the Valjevo side of the main ridge, the rivers Cetinja and Povlenska Reka carry water towards Kolubara. Two rivers spring from the opposite side of the main ridge. Trešnjica flows to the west into the Drina. Skrapež flows to the south, passes through Kosjerić and Požega and then, together with Đetinja and Moravica, makes the famous West Morava. Both rivers, Trešnjica and Skrapež, make very interesting canyons. Trešnjica canyon is located a little further but Skrapež canyon is located just below Mali Povlen.
Reke Povlena
Povlen je bogat vodom i njegovi vrhovi predstavljaju vododelnicu. Na valjevskoj strani glavnog grebena, reke Cetinja i Povlenska reka vodu nose ka Kolubari. Sa suprotne strane glavnog grebena izviru dve reke. Trešnjica ide ka zapadu i uliva se u Drinu. Skrapež ide ka jugu, prolazi kroz Kosjerić i Požegu i onda zajedno sa Đetinjom i Moravicom napravi čuvenu Zapadnu Moravu. Obe reke, i Trešnjica i Skrapež, prave vrlo zanimljive kanjone. Trešnjica nešto dalje ali Skrapež odmah ispod Malog Povlena.