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Church of St. Stephen

Saint Stephen is the first of the seven deacons ordained by the holy apostles, which is why he is called Archdeacon Stephen - the first among the deacons. As a preacher in Jerusalem, he was taken out of the city and stoned to death and because of that is also called the First Martyr Stephen. His cousin Saul also took part in the stoning, but he later learned the Truth and preached as the apostle Paul. Archdeacon Stephen is an exceptionally respected saint in Serbia and he is the saint patron of the holy Nemanjić’s dinasty. In Serbia alone, there are more than forty churches and monasteries erected in his honor. The Serbian Orthodox Church commemorates him four times a year. This church of the Diocese of Valjevo is dedicated to St. Stephen Letnji (the Summery), also known as Vetroviti (the Windy). The church celebrates the discovery and transfer of his relics, on August 15. The church was built as an endowment by Milijan Jelić, and it was painted by Bogoljub Arsenijević Maki.

Crkva Sv Stefana Vetrovitog


Sveti Stefan je prvi od sedmorice đakona koje su sveti apostoli rukopoložili, pa se zbog toga on i naziva arhiđakon Stefan - prvi među đakonima. Kao propovednik u Jerusalimu izveden je iz grada i kamenovan do smrti, te se naziva i Prvomučenik Stefan. U kamenovanju je učestvovao i njegov rođak Savle, koji je kasnije spoznao Istinu i propovedao je kao apostol Pavle. Arhiđakon Stefan je izuzetno poštovan svetac u Srbiji i Slava je svetorodne loze Nemanjića. Samo u Srbiji ima više od četrdeset crkava i manastira podignutih u njegovu slavu. Crkva mu četiri puta godišnje daje pomen. Hramovna slava ove crkve Eparhije valjevske je Sv. Stefan Letnji, poznat i kao Vetroviti. Tada crkva slavi otkriće i prenos njegovih moštiju, 15. avgusta. Crkvu je podigao kao zadužbinu Milijan Jelić, a oslikao je Bogoljub Arsenijević Maki.

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