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The Kukalj Peak


There are several legends about the name Kukalj. Old stories say that it was here that the Turks cried (Serban verb kukati – to cry) when they left Serbia, because they could not take a treasure with them. The word Kukalj also means the tip of a knitting needle. And this elevation looks like the tip of that needle, like many others that have a similar name. Perhaps there is a folk tradition of naming like that the tops of such a configuration. There is another significant elevation Kukalj (999m above sea level) which is not included in our trail, northeast of Povlenska kosa. When approaching that elevation from Legar, the wind is constantly blowing, and when we listen better - it's like moaning, crying, which is not the case with other places. On that unusual plateau, various winds meet and intersect, and maybe that's why the wind sings like that, that is, crying.

Vrh Kukalj


Postoji nekoliko legendi o imenu Kukalj. Stare priče kažu da su baš ovde Turci zakukali kada su napuštali Srbiju, jer nisu sa sobom mogli poneti silno blago. Reč Kukalj označava i vrh igle za pletenje. A ovo uzvišenje i liči na vrh te igle, kao i mnoga druga koji imaju slično ime. Možda postoji narodni običaj davanja imena vrhovima takve konfiguracije. Postoji još jedno značajno uzvišenje Kukalj (999mnv) koji ne obuhvata naša staza, severoistočno od Povlenske kose. Kad se prilazi tom uzvišenju sa Legra, vetar stalno duva, i kad bolje oslušnemo - kao da jauče, kuka, što nije slučaj sa drugim mestima. Na toj neobičnoj zaravni susreću se i ukrštaju razni vetrovi, pa možda zbog toga vetar tako zapeva, odnosno kuka. 

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