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The River Skrapež Spring  


When the snow on the mountain peaks melts in the spring, the waters swell and merge below Mali Povlen. Then the clear icy water of the Skrapež murmurs, meanders through the forest, and rushes like a torrent down the stone bed of its gorge. Unusual in its beauty is the part of the dry riverbed, located just below the Povlen peaks Ždralovac, Bele Vode and Beden. Near the village of Makovište, it emerges like a waterfall from a gorge and rises towards the mountain of  Maljen.


In its course, especially near the famous mills in Donji Taor, it encounters holes and funnel-shaped depressions, limestone pavements and cuts, after which the river Skrapež got its name. There it makes beautiful waterfalls that will take your breath away. In the village of Seča Reka, small river  Sečica flows into it in whirlpools.  People there think that this is actually  the right beginning of the Skrapež flow, and that the flow before is actually the Godljevača river. Many rivers in Kosjerić flow into Skrapež, and on the Požega field, it merges with the great river Đetinja, which then creates the West Morava river together with the river Moravica.

Izvor reke Skrapež


Kad se prolećem snegovi na vrhovima otope, vode nabujaju i spajaju se pod Malim Povlenom. Tada prozirna ledena voda Skrapeža zažubori,  krivuda kroz šumu, i survava se kao bujica niz kameno korito svoje klisure. Neobičan u svojoj lepoti je i deo suvog korita, smeštenog odmah ispod povlenskih vrhova Ždralovac, Bele vode i Beden. U blizini sela Makovište izlazi kao vodopad iz klisure i izdiže ka Maljenu. 


U svom toku, naročito kod poznatih vodenica u Donjem Taoru, nailazi na rupe i levkasta udubljenja, škrape i krečnjačke useke po kojima je reka Skrapež dobila ime. Tu pravi predivne slapove od kojih zastaje dah. U selu Seča Reka, mala Sečica se sva u vrtlozima uliva u nju, a stanovništvo smatra da je zapravo tek ovo početak toka Skrapeža, a da je sve ovo do tada zapravo bila reka Godljevača. U Kosjeriću se ulivaju mnoge reke u Skrapež a na Požeškom polju se sljubljuje sa velikom rekom Đetinjom, velikom koja sa Moravicom stvara Zapadnu Moravu.

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